The City of San Diego's Parks and Recreation Department has engaged AEA Consulting to develop a Prioritization Framework for future Balboa Park capital projects, to inform future decision-making and provide better alignment between available resources and what residents want to experience when they visit.
Additional Feedback
Survey Results
Survey Result Highlights

Based on the most recent survey results, the majority of respondents (34%) visit Balboa Park once a month.

Based on the most recent survey results, the majority of respondents visit Balboa Park on weekend lunchtimes/afternoons (39%) followed by weekday lunchtimes/afternoons (31%).

Based on the most recent survey results, the majority of respondents spend the most time in the Central Mesa (El Prado, museums, Old Globe) when they visit Balboa Park.

Based on the most recent survey results, cleanliness/upkeep of amenities (e.g., bathrooms, trash) and mobility (ie. parking, and other forms of transportation) are tied at 21%, followed by public safety and security (18%).
Community Engagement Sessions
AEA Consulting hosted three in-person and one virtual community engagement sessions to solicit feedback on the developing criteria that will shape the final prioritization framework. Participants were able to propose revisions to the existing criteria, suggest additional criteria, and rank which criteria they thought were the most important.
Tuesday Session at Bankers Hill Club
Alignment to City Focus: 2
Alignment to Parks Plans: 6
Co-benefit and Partnership: 2
Environmental Sustainability: 4
Equity and Accessibility: 3
Funding Plan: 2
Health, Safety, and Legal Compliance: 5
Historical, Cultural, and Aesthetic Significance: 7
Innovation: 6
Capital Maintenance Need: 9
Visitation: 5

Wednesday Session at Balboa Park Club
Capital Maintenance Need: 6
Equity: 5
Activation: 3
Funding Plan: 2
Health, Safety, and Legal Compliance: 2
Historical, Cultural, and Aesthetic Significance: 2
Co-benefit and Partnership: 2
Alignment to City Focus: 2
Community Support: 2
Alignment to Parks Plans: 1
Economic Impact: 1
Environmental Sustainability: 1
Visitation: 1

Thursday Session at Golden Hill Recreation Center
Capital Maintenance Need: 12
Historical, Cultural, and Aesthetic Significance: 8
Equity and Accessibility: 7
Activation: 5
Community Support: 5
Environmental Sustainability: 3
Economic Impact: 3
Funding Plan: 2
Co-benefit and Partnership: 1
Health, Safety, and Legal Compliance: 1
Visitation: 1

Wednesday, March 6 Session at World Beat
Visitor Experience: 12
Historical Cultural Aesthetic: 11
Equity & Accessibility: 11
Maintenance: 8
Community Engagement: 7
Environmental: 6
Funding Plan: 3
Innovation: 2